December means very different things to different people. If you're in the group that embrace everything Christmas wholeheartedly, do carry on but spare a thought for those who find this time of year more difficult. We discussed this openly with the team this week and shared resources on how to cope if the festive season comes with some baggage for you. Even for the Christmas lovers out there, it can sometimes get a little overwhelming. It's important to remember that you're not alone and that no one, no matter what Instagram might say, is having the 'perfect' Christmas. While it is a time of giving and sharing with loved ones, we also think it's a time to prioritise yourself and your wellbeing.
Find some Christmas coping tips here.

This heart wrenching depiction of the New York Times investigation into Harvey Weinstein's serial sexual abuse first opens with an allegation against Donald Trump. 'The public deserve to know who they could be voting into office', the lead investigator played by Carey Mulligan says; the accuser goes public with her allegation before we cut to Trump's presidency being confirmed. Undercutting the rest of the film's documentary-style investigation into Weinstein is the question: even if we get the story out, will anyone listen? Or care? She Said is a powerful addition to the "journalistic investigation" sub-genre of cinema, unique in that this time the journalists are women, juggling families and children.
The 2021 census reveals that England and Wales are more diverse than ever, ushering in a new age of “super diversity”. They recorded a 17% fall in Christians, 37.2% of people with “no religion” and a 43% rise in Muslims. In terms of ethnicity, several cities including Leicester, Luton and Birmingham are more than 50% Black and minority ethnic. Yet most people (9 in 10) still identify with a UK national identity.
Super diversity is an interesting term, a social science concept coined back in 2005. It suggests that we’ve moved past a place of just “diversity” and into a new era. However, criticism suggests this is merely “social romanticism, creating an illusion of equality”. Indeed, diversity does not equal acceptance, and there will be large numbers of people who view this census news with great trepidation.
“Muslims/immigrants are taking over” is a common complaint of xenophobes.
However while the number of Muslims is gradually increasing (the Christian population is dropping much faster), we have a long way to go to fully embrace this cultural diversity.
Christianity is still deeply engrained in our culture and, despite being in the minority now, Christians often have a louder voice and more platform than any other faiths. 26 bishops sit in the House of Lords, schools are still subject to mandatory Christian worship, and our monarch has the title Defender of the Faith. Secularists see these new Census figures as proof of the need to overhaul the role of religion in society.
We also hope to see a stronger stance from the government towards tackling embedded racial inequalities, xenophobia and islamophobia in the UK.

Christmas can be a trying, or even dangerous, time for LGBTQIA+ youth who may be forced to spend time around family that reject their sexuality or gender identity. This is where trans Santa comes in. Trans Santa harnesses the magic of a mutual aid social media campaign to connect "Santas" to trans youth in need. The goal is to support those struggling, particularly those homeless, in foster care and without vital support, with gifts and affirmation.
“We want to show trans young people that they are loved, supported, and have a family of people around the world", the Trans Santa website reads.

We know there has been a lot of discourse around human rights violations by the World Cup hosts, but the treatment of women has been somewhat buried in these conversations. Qatari laws are built on, and perpetuate, an incredibly patriarchal system. For starters, neither domestic violence nor sexual assault is a criminal offence in the country.
Qatari women can only marry with the permission of a male "guardian"; once married, they are expected to serve and obey their husband, and a woman's right to a divorce is limited. Hosting the World Cup in a country that explicitly breaches international human rights laws positions women's rights and safety as "discretionary", especially considering how domestic violence against women spikes during major sports tournaments.

Justin Levene and Francis Cade have set out on a mission across the United States to raise money for Get Kids Going! Cade is cycling and wheelchair athlete Levene is using a handcycle to make the 3000-mile trip, aiming to raise money for the charity that supports disabled children and young people with specially built wheelchairs so they can participate in sport, as well as providing sports grants. They have already suffered setbacks of injury and punctures but are persevering with their attempt and uploading videos daily to YouTube, tracking their progress.

This momentous litter-picking trip was completed by activists Frédéric Munsch, from France, and Edmund Platt, from Leeds. Their journey began two months ago and ended on Monday, collecting about eight bin bags of rubbish per day. Stand out litter included over 600 disposable vapes, over 800 face masks, and a lot of Irn Bru in Fife. At night, the pair relied on the good will of strangers to house them, however this did involve nights on park benches and garage floors.
"We’re not giving lessons or preaching, we’re just doing", they say, hoping their actions will raise awareness and inspire others to treat our planet with a little more kindness.

Looking for a job in the entertainment, media, creative and talent industry? Introducing: Handle Recruitment!This agency puts equality and authenticity at the heart of everything they do - and as recruitment leaders in the creative industry, they're not afraid to challenge the narrative about what diversity means in their organisation and to their clients.
Diversifying Agencies are delighted to be working with Handle Recruitment as they take a new step in looking for new and creative ways to widen the pool of candidates they support. Find out more about Handle and browse open roles on Diversifying Agencies.
Quipping on the "act your age" line, Act Your Wage is a trend driven largely by TikTok users. It's all about meeting the work expectations of your pay grade, and rejecting social and career pressure to 'go above and beyond' what is expected of you. While we hesitate to encourage a 'bare minimum' approach, we're completely on board with your efforts being reflected in the salary you are paid. This trend is about knowing your worth and rejecting that meeting that was scheduled for 6pm if you are not being adequately compensated for your hard work.

The Good Ancestor Movement is a small but encouraging movement of the super wealthy with a conscience. Stephanie Brobbey launched the initiative after a decade as a lawyer, advising the very top earners in the UK. One piece of news changed everything for Stephanie: the UK now has more food banks than McDonald’s. She quit her job and became a wealth manager with a clear mission: to help rich people use their money for better. She pushes her clients into questioning, do I really need another Ferrari? Stephanie sees her work as a rebuttal to "modern capitalism’s indoctrination around the need to accumulate".
