21 Jun 2023
Will AI Replace Me and My Job?

It feels like all you hear about this year is the new innovative technology and how it’s going to change the world. And if you haven’t been stuck on an island with no internet or electricity you would probably know what I’m going on about.
However, if you’re still in the dark about what AI actually means, not to worry. I'll give you a condensed and simple understanding So that you can do more than silently nod your head along when it next comes up in conversation.
A Simple Definition of AI
Artificial intelligence is a field which makes use of computers and information to enable problem-solving. It also includes machine learning and deep learning – but let’s not worry about that just yet.
What Does AI Do?
AI is the function of a machine that can display human-like capabilities such as reasoning, learning, planning and creativity. AI enables computer systems to perceive their environment, deal with what they perceive, solve problems and act to achieve a goal.
Now that we have some of the technical terms cleared up, let's dive into the critical question that everyone is asking.
Are we Going to be Replaced by Computers?
We have been bombarded with doomsday-style warnings as well as lifesaving prophecies about this innovative technology. I wouldn’t blame you if you felt like you didn’t know what to believe…
So, with that in mind, I want to take a look at what AI means for us in the workforce.
Research by Goldman Sachs reported that AI could replace up to 300 million full-time roles across US and Europe. It carries on by claiming that automation could wipe out a quarter of work tasks previously done by humans, raising some quite worrying concerns in the job market. Some of the most affected fields have a broad range but the most notable ones include Legal, Administrative functions and Sales.
Ok, are you worried yet? Well, it’s not as bad as it seems.
What are the Benefits of AI?
As AI is set to have a somewhat substantial impact on many jobs, it also offers benefits. These include reducing time taken on tasks, management, and efficiency improvements. The idea is that instead of AI replacing us, it will be a complement to our tasks, making everything we do more efficient.
Picture this, reporting time comes around or you have a large amount of information you have to put together, and the only thing you can think of is the 1000 other tasks you would rather spend this time on. AI could perform this task in seconds that would have otherwise taken you three days.
Besides the menial data collection and reporting, AI could go further to make you and your job more valuable. If you could use AI to find trends gaps or opportunities that would help you and your company, wouldn't you want that?
Should You Make AI a New Skill?
Knowing how to use AI will become an extremely powerful tool. All you need is the willingness to learn, and time to understand the function and abilities of AI. I asked a common know AI, known as ChatGPT to explain the top 3 reasons it was a benefit in the workplace, this is what it had to say:
Chat GPT listed the three functions it would improve:
1. Automation of repetitive tasks: AI would automate mundane tasks, freeing up your time to focus on more high value activities
2. Data analysis and decision support: AI algorithms can process large amounts of data quickly and accurately. This will give you better and faster insights helping with decision making.
3. Enhanced productivity and collaboration: AI tools can enhance productivity and collaborations within teams via Automated task assignments or progress tracking.
Now before you rush off and ask this AI the secrets to the universe and I'm sure much more, it must be said that the questions are just as important as the answer. Chat GPT will give you back as much as you put in, and the devil is truly in the details with this technology. The more defined and focused the question, the better the result will be. For example, how do I bake a loaf of bread, vs How do I bake a loaf of whole wheat bread that is gluten free and requires only three ingredients.
This is why it should be said that when using AI, a couple of skills come into play.
These include the ability to know the right questions to ask and more importantly how to convey that question with the most detail pertaining to the answer you are looking to receive.
A further important understanding is how AI will be integrating with much of your day-to-day software at work, especially with things like video team meetings and email communication. Learning about how this software will benefit from AI and how you can use them will give you an advantage in a time where the work landscape is changing so rapidly.
So How Should You Move Forward With AI?
It’s important to remember, how you view something defines the way you will be affected by it. If you look at AI as a tool it can offer you a world of benefits to assist you in your day-to-day tasks. If you choose to embrace AI to do what it is intended to and make your life and work easier. then that's exactly what it would be to you!
Written by Dylan Francis