Diversity and Inclusion Insights
Why do women appear to bear the brunt of ageism at work?
"My age is the biggest benefit. It's my biggest asset", states Tricia Cusden - Founder of Look Fabulous Forever: a make up range targeted specifically at older women. With the demographic of people over the age of 65 getting larger, ageism in the workforce is becoming more pronounced, with women being more likely to bare the brunt of this discrimination. Cusden is just one example of a growing number of older women challenging this recruitment bias by showing their essential contribution to the economy.
Read time: 5 minutes

How HR, D&I practitioners, CEOs & Line Managers can support Black colleagues
Petunia Thomas, a consultant partnered with BAME Recruitment, writes insightfully on cultivating a supporting work culture for Black employees. “Organisations cannot underestimate the unspoken exhaustion, emotional drain, burden and trauma black colleagues have been experiencing during this period”, she emphasises. Though colleagues may be continuing to show up and carry on as usual, this may be accompanied by heavy emotional trauma. Petunia warns that while inviting feedback from colleagues is a positive step, companies must be warned that voluntary sharing on this topic can take a further toll and must be handled with sensitivity. For 7 things you can do to support your Black colleagues in this period, click the image below.
Read time: 7.5 minutes