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The A-level algorithm chaos reveals society’s racist, classist biases
The last week has caused anxiety and distress across the UK as students’ A-level grades were subject to a flawed algorithm. The key injustice of the algorithm lay in the basis of awarding grades based on where students historically performed well or poorly. Privately educated students living in middle-class areas benefitted the most from this system, while students in disadvantaged state schools suffered. Despite the government’s U-turn and apology to students, deep rooted biases have been revealed in the use of algorithms which are being relied on more and more. There is hope in the power of young people to protest and demand change.
Read time: 4 minutes

Benevolent sexism: a feminist comic explains how it holds women back
French graphic artist Emma rose to fame after her comic strip on sharing household chores went viral. Now, her first book has been published, The Mental Load, which moves beyond the home and into the workplace. Her comics look at how sexism is disguised as flattery and the subtle remarks that limit women to what is viewed as 'feminine'. "Benevolent sexism is all about treating women like fragile little creatures that must be protected", one drawing explains. Emma does not see herself as an artist; she started adding drawings to her feminist leaflets as they got more response and continues to draw as a medium to get her ideas across. See more of her comics by clicking the drawing below.

People with disabilities deserve great style
Stephanie Thompson is living with, what she describes as, a "non-severe disability", meaning that she is able to see the world from the perspective of a disabled and non-disabled person. This unique vantage point led to Thompson founding the disability fashion platform Cur8able, aiming to fill the void in fashion by purposely making and designing clothes for disabled people, not able-bodied. Her goal is to “eradicate negative perceptions of people with disabilities" through style. The fashion industry generally disregards the bodies of those living with disabilities and Thompson is on a mission to show the countless financial, social, and ethical reasons for including these customers.
Read time: 9 minutes |