South Asian anti-black racism: 'We don't marry black people'
Amit and Michelle blog about their experiences as a mixed race couple. The two met during school but kept their relationship secret for years due to their fear of others' perceptions. Amit has received backlash from their relationship in his community, with claims that he was a “sellout from the Indian community”. Amit and Michelle have since gained acceptance from Amit’s family, and they hope to inspire other Black and Asian couples to share their stories. Click the photo to hear directly from Amit and Michelle.
Watch time: 6 minutes

‘I felt totally alone’ – students are speaking up about anti-blackness at school
Black British students are speaking up and sharing their experience of racial discrimination in academia. “For decades, the UK’s educational system has had all its variables tipped out of our favour”, whether that’s in its curriculum, in racism within the student body, or in biases fostered by teachers. For example, with GCSE and A-Level results being rewarded through predicted grades this year, many worried that teachers' unconscious bias would underestimate the talent of black students. Prejudice within educational systems is being called out more and more, but more reform is needed urgently. Read full article by clicking the graphic below.
Read time: 9 minutes

Conversion Therapy Still Isn't Illegal in the UK
Shockingly, conversion therapy still occurs in the UK to this day. Misleadingly called a ‘therapy’ the treatment is “a widely discredited pseudoscience predicated on the false and incredibly damaging idea that being LGBTQ is a mental disorder”. On July 3rd, the government tweeted (and deleted) a survey asking how the LGBTQ community have been affected by this pseudoscience, and whether it should be banned, to much outrage. The problem was that this abhorrent and dystopian-style practice was even under debate, and to predispose that there were two valid sides to the discussion. Stars such as Elton John and Dua Lipa have called for an end to conversion therapy for good.Read time: 6 minutes