A Statement from Cynthia V Davis, CEO and Founder of BAME Recruitment
We have faced one of the toughest weeks within our community and we, like many of you, are still trying to come to terms with what we have all witnessed.
The brutal killing of George Floyd has rightly ignited fury - not just in America, but in the UK and around the world. We have seen allies standing in solidarity with black people who continue to experience systematic racism; and they have used their voices to amplify the cause, their bodies to shield black bodies, and their privilege to reach new heights. Our defiance is starting to be heard and our demands taken seriously, but this is only the beginning for the reparations that need to be sought to bring justice to the black community.
We have begun the journey of change but we must not lose impetus. Our allies, committed to the fight against racial injustices, are needed now more than ever if we are to see real and lasting change within our society, our organisations and in our way of life.
Over the last 5 years as a social change organisation, BAME Recruitment has been at the forefront of championing for greater equality. Our resolve to continue on our journey for social justice is stronger than ever, and we continue to champion for the inclusion of marginalised communities. We will channel our passion and rage into actions, and fight for the greater good in society.
The time for idle talking is over and what we now need is real tangible action and impactful change! If you have been hurt, saddened, enraged by what you have seen in the media, we need you to use your voice and reflect this in your actions. No longer can anyone be just a bystander, we all have the power to make a difference and be catalysts of change! Use your voice and say no to racism and injustice. Educate yourself, family, friends, children and future generations; start the hard conversations. Let’s change hearts and minds to make this world a fair and just society where the colour of one’s skin, does not become a death sentence.
Now more than ever, we welcome conversations with organisations looking to diversify their workforce and reach underrepresented communities. Truly diverse and inclusive workplaces have the potential to enact real change in society. Reach out to us at info@bamerecruitment and start the conversation. |